
Crayon on cement-board.

Inspired by fractalized light inside diamonds and the rainbow mandalas of eastern spiritual practices.

Oct. 2020

'Ark' 4'x4'

A large, mix-media exploration of zoology atop plywood. Created using acrylic, polyurethane, tempura and fabric paints, as well as sharpie and glitter glue; Finished with a florescent and glow-in-the-dark pigment wash.

Inspired by pareidolia (recognition of familiar patterns in random settings), these animals hiding in wood revealed themselves to me.

Aug. 2020

'Roll with Me' 6'

A large, mixed-media artwork created on an up-cycled table top. Rolled off the streets of New Orleans and beautified using acrylic, fabric paint, hot glue, sharpie, and mirror shards.

The culmination of my intuitive abstract works based on shapes within shapes within shapes.

Nov. 2019

Close-up of 'Jewel'

'Ark' under UV Light

'Roll with Me' in progress